A Brief List of Everyone Who Died
Written by Jacob Marx Rice
Directed by Mark Dessaix
March 25, 2023
Broom Tree Theatre at Astoria First Presbyterian Church

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We are so happy to announce the first reading in our annual Winter/Spring New Voices Workshop: A Brief List of Everyone Who Died, written by Jacob Marx Rice and directed by Marx Dessaix.
Graciela would really like everyone to stop dying. After the scarring loss of her beloved dog Buster at the age of five, Graciela decides that no one she loves will ever die. But stopping death is easier said than done. Time rolls on inescapably and, as she grows, Graciela will, like everyone else, gain and lose the people most important to her to the eternal absence of mortality.
Please join us as we celebrate and give a home for new writers to have their voices be heard in our wonderful Queens community.